What is Chronic Rhinitis?
Tens of millions of Americans suffer from overproduction of mucous, causing post-nasal drip, runny nose and nasal congestion. Chronic rhinitis can be allergic and non-allergic in cause. When patients fail typical prescription and OTC medications they may be a candidate for the RhinAer™ procedure.
Symptoms of Chronic Rhinitis
- Constant post-nasal drip, causing clearing of throat or itchy feeling
- Persistent runny nose
- Excessive nasal congestion
- Frequent sneezing
Rhinaer Procedure
Dr. Johnson will apply local anesthesia on cotton balls to numb the inside of the nose, making the procedure virtually painless. He will insert the RhinAer device into your nostril and precisely target the area in the nose to calm down the overactive nerves causing the problem. The Rhinaer procedure also shrinks down the inflamed tissue to relieve nasal congestion. The treatment is performed in less than ten minutes and the patient can return to normal activity with minimal to no downtime.